IOSC reference performance characteristic table.

Other manufacturer in case of  There are no inspection tables of a performance characteristic table,

so the performance special quality can't be understood at here.

The following measurement puts IOSC in the floor and measures in vent verticalness of IOSC.


(The measurement start 1 hour idling back and ;

room temperature 23‹ C Humidity 55% and 3.3 square metersx  4mh)  

The basic performance table which makes gClear  Gash occur 

Measuring machine ion counter =ITC-201A.Ozone concentration measuring machine =A-21ZX.

Rank monitor =OMX-GR.Formaldehyde detector =FP-30.

The person who needs the following test data go through the procedure for the next, please.

Please do member registration.

Would you inform here of a use goal

Staphylococcus aureus/O-157 bacteria/a colon bacillus;

/black aspergillus /MRS/ whitewash/rice/malt/alcohol;

 /smoke of a cigarette/excrement (dog)/urine (hamster) 

SARUMORERA bacteria/influenza (Hong Kong B)/sulfur /aldehyde


inserted by FC2 system